Grebastica, just a bit of history

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Grebastica has been inhabited since Roman times. The place was first mentioned in 1298. Remains of the original Roman road are still visible in some parts and many pillars and graves were found around the church of St. Mary, which is specific for the Croatian culture in the middle age. There are many medieval graves southwest from the church as well, which means that the monastery of St. Lucia existed at that locality. Though there were no archaeological excavations which would confirm this, there is a legend of a treasure hidden underneath the ruins of the monastery. The St. Mary church was built in 1668 on the same base of an older church, destroyed at end of the 15th / begin of the 16th century by the Turk invasion on Dalmatia.

You cannot pass Grebaštica without noticing the impressive wall on a long peninsula. The wall is called BEDEM. Grebaštica was a pretty important town in the Middle Ages. People being wealthy, could afford a construction of the wall that would protect them from the Turkish attacks. The construction began at the end of the 15th century. They say the wall was used, in the time of the plague, to separate the sick from the healthy so the sick were moved to the other side of the wall.


The war left its traces: people moved temporarily to neighbouring islands and protected areas behind walls. A part of the inhabitants emigrated forever. That is why Grebaštica lost its influence and was annexed to the district Krapanj until the end of the 19th century. But its advantageous geographic position, on the slopes of the surrounding hills and its closeness to the sea, as well as the existence of drinking water, which is a wealth in these areas, always attracted people.

The wall is in great shape and definitely you want to see it while in Grebastica.

It’s amazing area for a nice walk, earmarked for a nature reserve so you have a chance to see mouflons and other animals. The massive wall of Ostrica is one of the prettiest example of Medieval defense walls in Croatia making it well worth a visit. The secluded beaches of Oštrica peninsula are also quite pretty and the entire peninsula, heavily wooded is a pleasant hiking area.

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